our news

Interfaith Scotland's Year of Climate Action

May 6, 2021

This year is Interfaith Scotland's Year of Climate Action.

We have created a document about ways that you can be involved with COP26 (the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2021) including resources, activities and campaign actions which is attached to this email. We also have a comprehensive list of resources and videos on our Interfaith Scotland website at the link below:


We are also excited to bring you news about Scottish Interfaith Week 2021. Scottish Interfaith Week will coincide with COP26 this year, launching on Sunday 31 October and running until Sunday 7 November. The theme for 2021 is Together for Our Planet, and individuals, faith communities and organisations across Scotland will be encouraged to host climate-related events for the week. You will be able to submit an event on the Scottish Interfaith Week website from May onwards at:

www.scottishinterfaithweek.org/submit-an-eventA Briefing for Faith Communities and Actions for COP26