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Synod Service - Sunday 16th August - The Peedie Kirk, Orkney

Aug 10, 2020

This Sunday we feature worship from the Peedie Kirk, Kirkwall, Orkney.  The congregation in Kirkwall is the most northerly local church of the United Reformed Church.  The Revd Susan Kirkbride, URC minister on Orkney writes, "the Peedie Kirk folk would have welcomed our friends from Shapinsay Kirk following our ‘visit’ to them earlier in the year. So 16th August we are joined ‘virtually’ as we were back in May. It is always a special time when we worship and share food and fellowship afterwards. We have been doing this for some 20 years now. (Fellowship but our own food for the moment!).

Shapinsay folk have been worshipping with Kirkwall East and Stronsay Kirk too in recent months so we will all worship together on 16th. Revd Julia Meason (Minister from Shapinsay and Kirkwall East and Interim Moderator of Stronsay) will share a word with us Alan the organist from Kirkwall East will take care of the music."If you would like to know more about the Peedie Kirk and its work, and to find a link to join the service please have a look at their website or Facebook page.